Geometry Dash Wiki
Geometry Dash Wiki

This is the base category for all templates.

Documentation of templates

Always remember to document templates so that editors can understand their purpose and function. Documentation should be contained within <noinclude></noinclude> tags that are positioned immediately after the last character of the template's code, ending with a category included within them. The following is the recommended documentation format, using semicolons ';' at the start of lines for headings, full colons ':' at the start of lines for indented text, and <pre></pre> tags for preformatted examples.
An outline of the template's usage and function.
An example of how to generate a basic template using double braces and the 't|' prefix {{t|TemplateName}} or a template which involves parameters using a preformatted example without any inputs.
A list detailing parameters in more complicated instances where their meanings are not immediately obvious.
A preformatted example of the template with inputs. Necessary for templates using parameters.
Sample output
A working demonstration of the template with inputs. Necessary for templates using parameters.

All items (6)
