The Chamber of Time is a room in Geometry Dash and Geometry Dash Lite, being introduced in Update 2.1. It is located through a door by the ground in the centre of the Coming Soon screen of the main level slider, but is hidden until the orange lock in the Basement has been selected, followed by the door's hidden location also being selected to reveal it. After doing so, the door will remain locked until the Master Emblem has been purchased from the Secret Shop, allowing access to the Chamber of Time.
The Chamber of Time contains a text field and a feline ring-handle button below it, referred to as the Gatekeeper. Pressing the button will return a response based on what has been entered into the text field. By entering specific phrases, Icon Kit rewards and associated achievements can be unlocked. Initially, there is a chest in the lower right corner which contains an orange key for the orange lock in the Basement.
- The audio used in the Chamber of Time (titled secretLoop03.mp3) is one of 3 audio tracks in the game files made by creator Robert Topala that cannot be found on his Newgrounds profile.
General responses
- Why have I been awoken?
- Leave this place
- You are not welcome here
- None shall pass
- You test my patience
- ...
- How long will you keep this up?
- Don't you have other things to do?
- ...
- Gah I can't stand this anymore!
- The smell, it's killing me
- Can you smell it?
- Chicken, burning chicken
- El pollo ardiente... [translates to 'the burning chicken']
- Ok, playtime is over
- Tick tock
- Time is running out
- ...
- Really? Still here?
- This is my first conversation in 1000 years
- Not what I was hoping for...
- My thunder comes before my lightning
- My lightning comes before my rain
- My rain dries up all the land it touches
- What am I? (relating to volcano)
- I hide behind rocks and rills
- under the mountains and hills
- I cannot be seen or felt
- nor heard or smelt
- the more I am the less you see
- what am I? (relating to darkness)
- Shh, quiet!
- Can you feel it closing in?
- Shadows creep where it begins
- Speak its name and it is gone
- from every moment dusk till dawn (relating to silence)
- What always runs, but never walks
- Often murmurs, never talks
- Has a bed, but never sleeps
- Has a mouth, but never eats? (relating to river)
- The less you consume
- the stronger I become
- wait too long
- and death will come
- What am I? (relating to hunger)
- Legend tells of a level so hard no one can beat it
- Anything harder than it is impossible
- Don't even get me started (relating to backontrack)
- Good levels are hard to find sometimes
- Wish I had someone who could find them for me
- ...
- Forget it... (relating to givemehelper)
Responses to correct codes
- Hot answer, well done (volcano)
- Impressive (darkness)
- Something you always ruin... (silence)
- Be like water my friend (river)
- A pizza would be nice (hunger)
- That's some skill (backontrack)
- Is that even a real thing... (givemehelper)
Responses to incorrect codes
- How about no?
- [player's username], please give up...
- Error, error. Bad answers.
- Failure
- May I suggest thinking?
- You're hopeless...
- Really, still here?
- What kind of name is [player's username] anyway?
- No, just no
- Swing and a miss!
- I told you, it wont work...
- Door is now open. Oh wait, no it's not.
- Is that actually your guess?
- Go home [player's username].
- Nope
- Give up, please
- Door is still locked
- That tickles!
- Try harder please
- Don't make me angry
- You won't like me when im angry...
- Oh no, you just unlocked... NOTHING
- Only 3 attempts left!
- Only 2 attempts left!
- Just kidding, unlimited attempts
- Maybe you should do something else?
- This is getting ridiculus... [sic]
- Go collect some stars
Introductory dialogue
- Who disturbs my slumber?
- RubRub is that you? I cannot see in this light.
- Show me the Master Emblem, and I will let you pass.
After obtaining the Master Emblem and returning to the door:
- The Master Emblem!
- Lord RubRub, I will open the gate for you.
- Please, come in.
Upon entering the Chamber of Time:
- Wait, you are not RubRub...
- You seem to be skilled in the art of deception...
- But it does not matter, your trickery ends here.
- Leave now, before you cause more problems...
- "backontrack" refers to the second level of the game, Back On Track, "a level so hard no one can beat it" referencing an ongoing joke in the Geometry Dash community that it is unironically the hardest ever level.
- "givemehelper" references 'mod helpers', an unofficial term for those that regularly assist level moderators in finding user levels to submit for star ratings.