Geometry Dash Wiki
Geometry Dash Wiki

The Geometry Dash Wiki enforces a number of policies applying to behaviour and the use of site features. This extends across all local namespaces as well as the Discussions platform.

The Geometry Dash Wiki adheres to senior Fandom policy requiring full compliance on behalf of its users.

Other policies can be found on Community Central.

A user who displays misconduct may be blocked by an administrator in response to their behaviour, preventing them from performing editing-related actions and/or from posting on Discussions. Respecting common sense is the underlying principle that adhering to will significantly reduce the possibility of being blocked. Everyone - including staff - is subject to and must abide by the information stated in this section.


Blocking is a countermeasure to prevent the expected continuation of misconduct, or to defuse an escalating situation of negativity or conflict between members. The function of blocking is to disincentivise undesirable behaviour, not to disenfranchise participation or to banish users. Resorting to blocking is regarded as unfavourable, and is preferred to be avoided, or else be minimal and temporary in nature, afterwards giving a user the chance to demonstrate a change and improvement to their behaviour.

  • Warnings may be issued to inform an offending user of their misconduct where it is assumed that they were at least partly unaware of wrongdoing.
  • A block's initial duration is determined at staff's discretion, and if subsequent blocks are applied relating to particular misconduct, these may increase up to a maximum duration of 1 month per block.
  • Users are entitled to an explanation regarding the cause and conditions of blocks, and one can make a request on their message wall for staff to provide this (where permission to post on their own message wall while blocked is afforded, unless the privilege is abused, leading to it being revoked).
  • An appeal may be pursued with the staff member who applied a block to have its details clarified and its duration potentially reduced, until that staff member deems that the matter has been adequately settled, where then no other staff member is obliged to intervene.
  • Blocks may be reduced or lifted at any time without notification.

Unacceptable conduct

Conducting any of the following actions (including through automated processes) - by means of publishing, posting, linking to or uploading content - may result in being blocked:

  • Transmitting inappropriate material: such that is recognisably obscene, discriminatory, violent, pornographic or illegal.
  • Negatively contributing unproductively or destructively: such that is clearly unrelated, redundant, nonsensical or visually obstructive, or is transparent vandalism, or editing of others' user pages without permission.
  • Persistent irrelevant promotion: such as of sites, services, products, individuals, groups, ideologies or behaviours which are not connected with the wiki's subject or are recognisably objectionable.
  • Displaying intentionally antisocial behaviour: such as degrading abuse, sustained harassment, threatening retribution, slanderous gossiping, manipulative activity, or subtly belittling posture - towards other users, on-site or off-site where recognised.
  • Expressing self-directed highly negative sentiment: such as self-loathing or self-degrading or suicidal sentiments; moreover, wilfully provoking a heated public response. Wikis are not adequately facilitated nor suited for discussing such associated issues.
  • Undermining staff authority: deliberately disobeying or constantly disregarding staff instructions, making defamatory remarks against staff, or displaying overtly ignorant behaviour whose instances are repeated and lacking of general regard.

Prohibited account usage

Using an account(s) for the following is forbidden, and in addition to recurring blocks, may result in reports being made to Fandom staff:

  • Inappropriate display of account information: including username, avatar or profile bio, for displaying or linking to content that is identifiable as an action of unacceptable conduct as stated in the above section. An account whose username is deemed as such (including being gibberish) must be changed when given such instruction by staff.
  • Sockpuppetry: using an alternate account where the operator (who has a recognised 'main' account) fails to demonstrate the capacity for its responsible use, any action as deemed as such by staff which may include evading blocks, misleading other users, or stalling in the forthright disclosure of the operator's identity. An operator's identity may be verified - and hence permission be given to operate the alternate account - with double disclosure being provided, requiring that the alternate account is used to declare that "This is an alternate account of a named operator" (the main account username), and that the main account is used to declare that they operate a named alternate account. Declarations must be made on each account's own user page (not using one account to edit another account's user page), easily readable and unobscured.
  • Impersonation: using the name of other users or distinguishable real life people, groups or organisations. An account whose username is deemed an act of impersonation must be changed when given such instruction by staff.
  • Unsolicited personal information handling: including solicitation (e.g., asking someone for their age), underhanded acquisition or dissemination; actions which compromise users' privacy.

Message walls and Discussions allow multiple users to converse using thread-based commenting systems consisting of titled posts and replies. All communication which takes place on them are subject to moderation by staff, who may lock or delete posts at their discretion, and may additionally resort to blocking users as per the aforementioned blocking policy. Messages may be formal or informal and may involve any topic of conversation that is not determined to constitute unacceptable conduct. However, overall cooperative conduct should be displayed, including not being disruptive or self-absorbingly provocactive during ongoing conversation.

  • For message walls, this includes ceasing conversation with a user whose message wall it is if they ask to end communication for the time being.
  • For Discussions, this includes assigning posts to the appropriate category (this is explained further in the Discussions guidelines) and not creating an excessive amount of discussions within a short period of time.
  • Profanity use is discouraged. It is not strictly regarded as unacceptable conduct. However, it is generally perceived as unnecessary and childish. Moreover, it can further aggrieve users, and can run afoul of the blocking policy should it escalate into sustained aggressiveness, sexual language, insults and slurs, or become overly repetitious; there are other ways to make exclamations, express frustration, or 'joke'.
  • Replying to conversations that have not been active for a long time - often referred to as 'necroposting' - is acceptable, although for most casual conversation subjects this is generally considered poor etiquette. Users have the option to Unfollow these posts if they do not wish to receive further notifications.

Deletion may occur suddenly and without warning. Pages may be marked for deletion by having Template:Delete included on them by editors. When reading the Deletion Log, the following reasons are likely mentioned:

  • Unnecessary/insignificant: A page either completely unrelated or partially related but of low significance and not requiring a full article.
  • Relocation/substitution: A page with content either being directly moved elsewhere or with similar information already so.
  • Vandalism/spam: A page created solely out of misconduct.
  • Redirect removal: Redirects are not used and are deleted where they occur.
  • Other reason: Any other reason a page is deleted at staff's discretion.

Existing pages that are vandalised are not deleted, rather, their edits are reverted to the last proper version. This takes only the click of a button.

If you believe that a page has been deleted without good reason, you may make an enquiry to a staff member.

Staff have the ability to protect (lock) pages, preventing certain user groups from editing them. Page titles can also be protected, meaning that uncreated pages will not be able to be created under the protected title. Generally, protection is not commonly used so to allow all users to contribute towards the wiki's development. However, there are various circumstances which prompt page protection. When reading the Protection Log, the following reasons are likely mentioned:

  • Complex page: Applied to pages containing complex code or technical information.
  • High traffic page: Applied to pages subject to frequent editing by many users who may inadvertently cause mismanagement and inconsistency.
  • Target of malicious edits: Applied to pages subject to frequent vandalism.
  • Resolved article: Applied to articles not only essentially wholly complete at a quality standard but also whose subject will not expand without in-game updates or developer commentary.
  • Other reason: Any other reason a page is protected at staff's discretion.

There are three levels of protection, all users, autoconfirmed and administrator. Second level protection prevents unregistered and newly registered users (within four days) from editing, while third level protection prevents users without special user rights from editing.

Note that even when a page is protected, edits can still be submitted for review. See Geometry Dash Wiki:Submit edits for review.

If you believe that a page has been protected without good reason, you may make an enquiry to a staff member.

Files include various types of media, organised under either Category:Images, Category:Videos, Category:Audio or Category:PDFs. All uploads made to the wiki are therefore expected to contribute towards article development. Uploads made for any other purpose will be deleted immediately. Note that replacing files with versions of lesser relevance or quality may be regarded as vandalism.

When reading the Deletion Log, the following reasons are likely mentioned:

  • Unused/insignificant: A file which is related but of low significance and lacking intended placement.
  • Duplicated/superseded: A file duplicated or of lower quality to another file which is effectively able to replace it.
  • Unrelated/inappropriate: A file either completely unrelated or one which constitutes unacceptable conduct.
  • False/unverified: A file implied to be official or relevant but is unable to be verified or determined to be false.
  • Corrupted/missing: A file that fails to function or display correctly.
  • Illegal/copyright violation: A file that contains decisively illegal material or violates a distinctive copyright.
  • Other reason: Any other reason a page is deleted at staff's discretion.
If you believe that a file has been deleted without good reason or by mistake, you may make an enquiry to a staff member.

Namespaces designate the design and intention of page content. Each serve unique purposes, with specific structures and differing permissions. This Manual of Style explains these aspects to inform editors how to achieve a logical high quality interface that is consistent and understandable across the site.


Formally titled the (Main) namespace, articles are the primary medium which content relating to the wiki's subject is presented on for viewers, and constitute where most normal editing occurs.


With the exception of articles in the Games and Updates categories, only specific h2 headings should be used, which may include the following based on article subject:

  1. Description
  2. Levels
  3. Gameplay
  4. Secret coins
  5. Trivia
  6. Gallery
General syntax
  • British English should be applied.
  • Articles should be written in third person, and without specific reference to the 'player' (exceptions only in specific instances).
  • No heading should be provided for the lead introduction section.
  • The first instance of an article's title should be formatted in bold only.
  • Game names do not require additional formatting, with the exception of being capitalised, and linked in their first instance.
  • Page titles should be linked once only. If the same page title appears further down the page, it should not be linked. Links appearing in infoboxes and tables are excluded from this count and may be repeated, including the same links within a table. If a tabber is being used to divide page content, the same links in different tabber sections may be repeated, granted that the links did not occur before the tabber. If they occurred after the tabber, then they may be repeated once only.
  • Headings which use consecutive equals signs '=' should not be separated on either side from the contained phrase by a space. Headings should be preceded by a line break. All level headings should use a capital letter for the first word only, excluding proper nouns. Floated elements including various thumbnails and infoboxes should be positioned from the first line after a heading and before any text.
  • The asterisk '*' or hash '#' used for unordered and ordered lists respectively should not be separated with a space from their text, nor from each consecutive line by a line break.
  • Gallery captions should not end with a period '.', unless multiple sentences are included.
  • Tables composed of wikitext should begin and end with '{|' and '|}' respectively at the start of their lines. Cells which may use either of '|', '!', '|-' or '|+' should be separated by one space from the start of their lines. Style specifications for specific cells should be separated by spaces on either side from the initial pipe and the second pipe beginning the content input. Only class="wikitable" should be included within the first line of a table to enable design styling and formatting.
  • Tables within tabbers...
  • Tabblers within toggleboxes...
  • Line break tags <br> and <br clear="both"> which are self-closing do not require the end slash '/' to be included. They should proceed the immediate last content character where needed.
  • Any HTML that is specifically needed should be condensed, with no spaces between characters unless the syntax requires it.
  • Avoid using comments <!-- --> as a permanent fixture except in irregular cases such as where the common positioning of an element differs or where unusual code may be necessary and benefits editors from explanation.
  • Language links should be at the bottom of article content, below categories, each on their own line ordered alphabetically.
'''Nocturne''' is the umpteenth level of [[Geometry Dash]] and the first level with a Psycho difficulty. It introduces ''Bob the Cube'' to the Geometry Dash universe.

==Main heading==
{| class="wikitable"
 |+Main heading
 | style="color:yellow;" |Formatted cell

<div style="display:grid;grid-template-columns:1fr 1fr;gap:12px;">

Talk pages

Talk pages are a traditional method of discussing page content on wikis. While the Discussions platform is the recommended location to discuss wiki articles, talk pages can also be used, but will be deleted once any matters raised on them are resolved.

User pages

User pages are a user's own personal editing space with no restriction on subject where site policy is complied with. Additionally, the following should be noted.

  • Using internal links is not permitted as these are recorded in maintenance reports, so external links should be used instead, including to link to other pages on the wiki.
  • Templates that are obviously not intended for use on user pages - such as those used on the main page - are not permitted.
  • Specific tags or other complex elements may be removed.
  • Prominent visual obstruction produced by overly creative page styling may be removed.

Only staff may edit the user pages of other users (typically to remove files, templates and tags once the user is regarded as inactive). Consent must be given by the owner for other users to edit the owner's user page.

User page extensions

User page extensions (sub-pages of the User namespace) are not encouraged as they are often found to be redundant and consequently may have any content relocated back to the respective user pages and then be deleted, but may be allowed upon request to staff on the condition that they are found to provide a distinct purpose, for example, storing a large amount of advanced code for relevant preservation or testing purposes that would otherwise significantly disrupt the flow of the requesting user's user page. Approved user page extensions will be reviewed after 1 month of having not been edited as to whether they are still necessary to maintain.

Project pages

Project pages are prefixed with 'Geometry Dash Wiki:', designating them as site articles that may pertain to wiki-related subjects but not Geometry Dash itself. They are usually editable only by staff. Where editing is permitted for non-staff, edits should align with the intended function of the page, else editors may incur penalties.


Files are non-textual components of articles providing visual and auditory content. They should abide by site policy. No content other than a category and in some instances a licence template should be present on any type of file page.

Article syntax: All file names should be capitalised as is consistent with their titles.


Images should be of the .png image file format where possible as this usually results in superior digital quality compared to other supported image file formats. Ideally, the resolution should be as high as possible, although this should be consistent among any one image series as determined by a common category. Images may be replaced in this regard, given that the whole series is replaced to maintain consistency.

Article syntax: In all instances, captions should be used sparingly and not to state obvious visible details or context. 1) Inline image files should be thumbnailed, right-aligned (default for thumbnails, not requiring specification) and configured to 270px on their own lines, individual of one another. 2) Configuration can be ignored when they are used in galleries or 3) when used in infobox image fields. 4) Icon images used in vertical infobox fields should be configured to 35px but not thumbnailed. 5) Icon images used in tables should be configured to 22px but not thumbnailed.

1. [[File:FILENAME.png|thumb|270px]]
<gallery spacing="large" widths="9999">
3. |image = FILENAME.png
4. |FIELD = [[File:FILENAME.png|35px]]
5. |[[File:FILENAME.png|22px]]

Additionally, galleries can be configured to three sizes, determining the number of dynamically resizing images per row. With no specification, rows are set to 4 images. Specifying spacing="large" within the tag will set rows to 3 images. Specifying spacing="small" within the tag will set rows to 8 images. Note that due to the way that images are generated on pages by the software, they will not be intrinsically sized up when the spacing is set to large, resulting in low resolution. Because of this, an inline fix is required, being the additional specification widths="9999" to ensure an improved display.


Video files should preferably be sourced from YouTube where the option is available.

Article syntax: Inline video files should be thumbnailed, center-aligned and configured to 300px on their own line. This may be ignored where they are used in galleries. Titles do not use file name extensions.

  • [[File:FILENAME|thumb|center|300px]]


Audio files were originally internally restricted to the .ogg file format. For consistency, audio files should continue to be uploaded in this format.

Article syntax: Audio files should be thumbnailed, right-aligned (default for thumbnails, not requiring specification) and configured to 270px on their own lines, individual of one another. Such configuration is not required for positioning in tables or infoboxes.

  • [[File:FILENAME.ogg|thumb|270px]]
  • [[File:FILENAME.ogg]]


PDFs complement articles with third-party information. They should be positioned under their own heading so that they are easy to locate.

Article syntax: PDF file pages should be bypassed and the documents themselves should be directly linked to using the 'Media:' prefix. The link should be bold and be assigned a relevant title.

  • '''[[Media:FILENAME.pdf|Title]]'''


MediaWiki pages are system pages that affect the design and functionality of the site. They are editable only by administrators.


Templates work by having content that exists on a template page being 'transcluded' onto another page where it is then displayed identically as it is on that template source page. This serves either to prevent clutter by a template substituting the addition of complex syntax on a page, or allow frequently occurring content on multiple pages to be modified instantaneously from a centralised point. Information about producing documentation for template pages can be be viewed on Category:Templates.

Article syntax: Template names should be capitalised as is consistent with their titles but do not require prefixing. Parameters beginning with pipes '|' should be separated by one space from the start of their lines. Equals signs '=' should be separated on both sides by a space, unless more than two parameters are present, where all equals signs should be vertically aligned starting from the equals sign closest to the longest word on its left side, still separated by a space.

  • Notices should be included on their own line at the top of articles.
  • Infoboxes should be included on their own line at the top of articles, below any notices.
 |parameter1   = field1
 |parameter2   = field2
 |parameterXYZ = fieldXYZ


The category system works by including pages within categories so that pages of a similar subject are organised together and can be navigated to through a tree structure. Note that categories are not tags and are not to be treated as broad characteristics that a viewer may consider a relevant search term. An article, project, file, template or category page should be included in only one category so that it can be reached in linear sequence from Category:Geometry Dash Wiki. Temporary exceptions include the use of Category:Article stubs for marking undeveloped articles and Category:Candidates for deletion for marking unnecessary content through the related templates which automatically include the aforementioned categories. Pages from all other namespaces should not be included within a category. Category pages pertaining to articles or files do not require any content to be included on them. Other category pages may include concise descriptions.

The creation of new categories should not be necessary. In the case that they are, the header navigation links specified on MediaWiki:Wiki-navigation should be accordingly modified to include the new category and its included pages. All articles and main categories should be accessible from the header navigation links, which should be organised and predictable to use.

Article syntax: Categories should be included on their own line at the bottom of articles, not separated by a line break from the final line of content. Only template series which use letter prefixes in their titles should have a differentiating letter included as a parameter in the category link, which enables the page titles more intuitive alphabetic indexing on category pages.

  • [[Category:CATEGORYNAME|&]]
