Geometry Dash Wiki
Geometry Dash Wiki
No edit summary
No edit summary
Line 135: Line 135:
/* Article Table of Contents */
/* Article Table of Contents */
.toc {display: none;}
.WikiaMainContent .toc {display: none;}
/* Talk Page / Rename Page Dropdown Menu Item Links (tailored to management operational preferences) */
/* Talk Page / Rename Page Dropdown Menu Item Links (tailored to management operational preferences) */
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/* 'Icon Kit', 'Map Components' Article Selective Image Border-Radius Suppression */
/* 'Icon Kit', 'Map Components' Article Selective Image Border-Radius Suppression */
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/* 'Icon Kit' Article Popover Caption Configuration */
/* 'Icon Kit' Article Popover Caption Configuration */
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.page-Icon_Kit .WikiaMainContent .tabberlive .tabbertab .wikia-gallery .wikia-gallery-item:hover .lightbox-caption {
display: block;
display: block;
position: absolute;
position: absolute;

Revision as of 05:43, 31 March 2021

/* Any CSS here will affect the default Wikia skin */

/* CSS Main Import - */
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The entire site may be customised by modifying the colour variables below. This is fully centralised, and should override the vast majority of element stylings which would normally be influenced by the settings configured using the Theme Designer for as high consistency as possible. Note that the main exceptions are instances where some old icons still use preset images that cannot be easily replaced, which are determined by a judgement as to whether a light or dark theme is active. A simple specification of '#FFF' for a light theme or '#000' for a dark theme is sufficient to maintain control over this. It is configured using the following setting from the Theme Designer:
* Page > main

The Discussions platform also uses various settings from the Theme Designer. The platform itself is not MediaWiki-based and as such cannot be customised using local CSS. However, the Discussions platform is able adopt its own theme, distinct from what is specified here, using the following settings from the Theme Designer:
* Background > main : the lower portion of the gradient background
* Background > graphic : is overlaid by the gradient background
* Page > header : the upper portion of the gradient background
* Page > links : processed into a similar related colour for links and other contrasting elements

Also note that because some pages have custom CSS disabled for security purposes, for example Special:Preferences, it is preferable to configure the remaining settings from the Theme Designer to match the customisations of the CSS specified further below where applicable:
* Background > graphic > tile
* Background > graphic > fix
* Page > buttons
* Page > toolbar
* Page > main > transparency

Use an edit summary to specify any significant changes to the current theme.

/******** Variables ********/

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/***** Staff Highlight *****/

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/** Local Configurations ***/

/* Article Table of Contents */
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/* Talk Page / Rename Page Dropdown Menu Item Links (tailored to management operational preferences) */
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/* 'Icon Kit', 'Map Components' Article Selective Image Border-Radius Suppression */
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