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The Secret Room is a room in Geometry Dash and Geometry Dash Lite, being introduced in Update 2.207. It is located at the bottom right of the Tower menu.


The Secret Room contains a text field and a padlock button below it, known as The Wraith. Pressing the button will return a random response out of 19 when something is entered into the text field. By entering specific phrases, chests containing collectibles or Icon Kit items can be obtained.

Unlike the other vaults, The Secret Room's codes are server-sided; this means they cannot be datamined, and new codes can be added without a client update. This also means the player's device must have internet access to get rewards from the Wraith.

Known rewards

Enter the codes to unlock the respective rewards.

Codes are case and space insensitive.


¹ Replaced with 100 mana orbs per shard if the player already has 100 of the respective shard

² All rewards from entering this code are granted at once


  • The song that plays in the Secret Room is an edited version of Random Song "Fire Temple" produced by Robert Topala.
  • As codes are case and space insensitive (meaning spaces and capitalization are ignored), codes can be entered in several ways and still be accepted. For example, "noelelectra" and "No ELe l eCTr a" are both accepted as the same code.
  • The Wraith is connected to gold keys, as their face is shown on the keys and chest.
  • The Secret Room is the only Vault room without its name shown in-game. Its name was revealed in the description of the announcement video for the Space Gauntlet contest.
  • A code is added for every Event Level that is released.
  • Besides event levels, the secret room does not give any icons if you entered a code correctly.

Introductory dialogue

The Wraith will say these quotes when the player first enters the Secret Room.
  • Great... Just what I needed. Another visitor to my prison.
  • Must be my lucky day... or yours. I don't really have days anymore.
  • I wasn't always like this, you know. I used to be something, greater...
  • Now instead, I get to listen to you. What a treat...
  • Go on, or don't. Not like I can stop you.

Responses to codes

The Wraith will say one of these quotes each time a code is entered, regardless of whether the code gives a reward or not.
  • All shall be revealed
  • Always here
  • Come closer
  • Darkness
  • Fear the undead
  • Fascinating
  • I can sense your presence
  • It is a secret
  • I will have my revenge
  • Leave this place
  • Speak quickly
  • There is no way out
  • Time is running out
  • Why have I been summoned
  • Why are you here
  • You again
  • You have no power here
  • Your efforts so amusing


Every reference for each code
  • "skibidi" is a reference to the "brainrot" meme Skibidi Toilet.
  • "checksteam" is a reference to a phrase that players used to say to bait others into thinking Update 2.2 released. This phrase was actually used by RobTop to announce the release of 2.2.
  • "fireinthehole" and "wateronthehill" are references to the "lobotomy" memes, originating from the usage of the first as a SFX in The Sewers.
  • "wellmet" is a reference to the phrase said by the skeleton located at the start of The Cellar.
  • "bussin" is a reference to the NCS I Gauntlet level of the same name.
  • "thickofit" is a reference to KSI's song of the same name that became a meme due to people disliking it.
  • "touchgrass" is a reference to the meme of the same name, a joke about people being too obsessed with technology and not going outside.
  • "backondash", "geometry", "citadel", "retrospective", "ruins", "cheatcodes", "backstreetboy", "noelelectra", "duckstep" "skylinept2", "boogie", "buttonmasher" are all the names of Event Levels.
  • "spacegauntlet" is the name of the (upcoming) Space Gauntlet.
  • "iaminpain" was revealed by Robtop in the comments of the daily level "Shining Bright"
  • "gd2025" was a code that robtop added in January, to celebrate the new year 2025.

Reserved rewards

These icons are reserved as rewards for future codes for the Secret Room.

